In tribute to Joseph Smith and his birth 210 years ago.Wandering through the Sacred Grove, my 15-year-old mind tried to absorb the First Vision experienced by a boy who was a year younger than me at the time. Sitting atop the Hill Cumorah (in Palmyra, New York) a few hours later, I marveled how Joseph Smith translated the gold plates into the Book of Mormon and organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints despite horrendous obstacles and persecution. Touring Carthage Jail and ... VIEW POST
Praise to the Man
Learning the Healer’s Art
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?I love dogs. Well, I love other people's dogs---I don't own one. One night while channel surfing, I came across an Animal Planet episode featuring a team of veterinarians who rescue stray dogs. The images of the suffering dogs drew my attention. While the TV camera panned around an animal shelter, it honed in on one veterinarian's efforts to save a recently rescued but sick and wounded little dog. The mutt's hair was horribly matted, dirty, and ... VIEW POST
Telling the Same Old Story?
Write a new one!It's taken me almost two days to write this first sentence. I've spent time pondering this topic and reviewing books and articles in half-hearted attempts for inspiration. I've also been sidetracked from writing---I keep getting distracted by mundane movies on TV. (Right now, I'm sort of watching Jane Fonda in the movie Cat Ballou.) During a Nutri-System commercial featuring Marie Osmond, I got further side-tracked when I googled "The Osmonds"---and read about Donny for over an ... VIEW POST
Finding Tidings of Great Joy As a Temple Ordinance Worker
A Higher and Holier Education and ServiceMerry Christmas! I love Luke's narrative of the Savior's birth in the New Testament. One of my favorite parts of his story line occurs after the baby Jesus is born. Luke introduces us to Simeon (a devout man), and Anna the Prophetess (a temple worker). They are the last people woven into Luke's account of the nativity. He describes the scenario as follows in the paragraph below. Jewish law required Joseph and Mary to bring the 40-day-old ... VIEW POST
Enemies, Part 7: Fear is a Formidable Foe
Afraid of being afraid?The year was 2008. An election year. The month was November when California voters cast their ballots for candidates including state and federal initiatives. At the time, Proposition 8 was the most emotional and controversial initiative on the ballot. Below is its definition:Proposition 8 consisted of two sections. Its full text was:[34]SECTION 1. Title This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "California Marriage Protection Act." SECTION 2. Article I, Section ... VIEW POST
Part 1: Got Enemies?
Overcoming opposition and adversaries.We all have them. The great peacemakers of the world had enemies: Jesus Christ, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., to name a few. Opposition and adversaries thrive on our ignorance and weakness. Our sorrow and failure invigorates them. Our happiness and success infuriates them. Adversaries can be (and are often) family members, friends, and co-workers, and can disguise themselves as friends. Friends often become adversaries or enemies. And adversaries and ... VIEW POST