"Shepherds quake at the sight."In 1993, my husband Rick and I visited the Palace of Versailles located about 11 miles west of Paris, France. The palace was home to King XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. In 1783, The Hameu de la Reine or The Queen's Hamlet was built on the palace grounds. A replica of a peasant village with its own producing farm, this hamlet was situated on the shore of an artificial lake and served as a rustic and leisurely retreat for Marie Antoinette and her friends. Legend ... VIEW POST
“Playing Shepherdess” During Christmastime
The Rock of Our Redeemer
Need a rock to build on? I'm posting another slide presentation I put together when I recently substituted for our ward Gospel Doctrine class. The Book of Mormon lesson material centers on Helaman, chapters 1 - 6. Here's a preview along with the link for slides:https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPMhkLecc/wvmLf4BlbBbdespyOnf4Jg/view The lesson material comes from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website. This particular lesson's introduction reads: The book of Helaman records both ... VIEW POST
“The Virtue of the Word of God”
Feeling the present-day influences of Korihor? Last Sunday, I taught the Gospel Doctrine class in my LDS ward as the substitute teacher. Even though I serve in our ward Relief Society presidency, I tend to be a "stand-in." Last Sunday felt different, however. The Book of Mormon lesson material centered on Alma, Chapters 30-31. The lesson introduction reads: " . . . identify people and ideas that oppose Jesus Christ," featuring the antichrist Korihor, and his combative philosophical argument ... VIEW POST
“LDS Single Moms Live,” Podcast Series #3: Calling Upon Divine Help With Adversarial Relationships
(Originally recorded in May, 2017) Divine guidance is available in creating peaceful relationships. Is well-meaning advice from family and friends unhelpful in your efforts to make peaceful relationships? Even a therapist or family counselor can only do so much in helping us find peace and achieve emotionally healthy relationships. We can never underestimate the power of divine guidance in changing hearts and minds in our relationships with ourselves and others. In 2017, Amber, creator of the ... VIEW POST
“LDS Single Moms Live,” Podcast Series #2: Change Communication Climates in Adversarial Relationships
(Originally recorded in May, 2017) Struggling to create a peaceful co-existence in an adversarial relationship? Are you trying to find a sense of peace in challenging relationships? Are you trying to find peace within yourself? Well, this video is for you! In 2017, Amber, creator of the "LDS Single Moms" vlog, invited me to do a three-part podcast series with her. On her Facebook page, Amber describes her purpose saying, "I'm not a professional. I share pearls of wisdom that helped me navigate ... VIEW POST
“LDS Single Moms Live,” Podcast Series #1: Identifying Toxicity in Relationships
(Originally recorded in May, 2017) Tired of all the crazy-making? Are you dealing with a challenging or toxic person in your life? Are you having difficulties in your relationships? Do you have issues about yourself? Well, this video is for you! Amber, creator of the "LDS Single Moms" vlog, invited me to do a three-part podcast series with her. On her Facebook page, Amber describes her purpose saying, "I'm not a professional. I share pearls of wisdom that helped me navigate through abuse and ... VIEW POST
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